Pet Anesthesia

Understandably, many owners are concerned about the prospect of their pet underdoing a procedure that requires the use of anesthetic. Rest assured that our veterinary team will only ever recommend anesthetic drugs where they are absolutely necessary. When anesthetic is needed, not only does it prevent your precious pet from being in any pain, it can also make the procedure far safer and improve the overall outcome.

Anesthesia involves some degree of risk for any animal, but the drugs, practises and monitoring involved in veterinary anesthesia mean that it is now safer than ever before. In addition to this, all animals that are scheduled to undergo a procedure involving anesthetic are given a thorough health check before being allowed to go ahead. This ensures that they are in good general health and that the risks associated with the use of anesthesia are extremely low. This pre-anesthetic check typically includes:

  • a physical examination

  • information about her medical history and any medications that she currently takes (if your pet has been registered with us, we will have these details already)

  • information about her lifestyle

  • blood tests including a complete blood count, blood chemistry test and electrolyte testing

Once your pet has been approved for anesthesia, our veterinary team will talk you through what you can expect from the process both before your pet goes under, and for her recovery. Modern anesthetic medications enable pets to come around from the drugs very quickly and you will be able to take your furbaby home just a short while later.

​​​​​​​If you would like more information on either veterinary anesthesia or pain management, our friendly, experienced veterinary team would be delighted to assist. Please contact us by calling our animal medical center in Richfield, OH today.